Monday, March 10, 2014

Michigan Winter 2014

With temperatures on the rise I cannot help but look back on the winter that I am happy to leave behind. This has been one of the worst winters for Michigan in recent memory. As of February 24th we have seen an estimated total of 102.9 inches of snow in Grand Rapids and 125.5 inches in Holland. Some cities have seen over 20 feet of snow this winter! With all of this snowfall and the sub zero temperatures the great lakes have been setting records for the amount of ice coverage with roughly 90% coverage. 

With all of that snow it is a surprise that we were able to take pictures of these homes while Wayne was on a building site. These photos give a good idea of just how much snow we have had this winter.  Lets hope with this warmer weather it will melt the snow and we can start to see see more of these homes soon!
Tupelo:  Overlooking the frozen Lake Michigan
 Statistics were found on the WOOD TV 8 Blog and

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