Thursday, November 10, 2011

Staff Post by Lori Potter

My Dream Home

I grew up in a small 70's ranch. I'm sure you've all seen them. A basic rectangle with a center front door and a picture window on one side and several bedroom windows on the other side. My sister and I shared a room and we all shared a single bathroom. I remember many fights and screaming matches that always ended in tears. I also remember sitting up way past bedtime sharing dreams and secrets with my sister. She was my playmate, conspirator, fellow dreamer, and best friend. I remember dreaming of living in one of those large houses where every child has their own room. Especially their own bathroom.

I went on to college and internships. I started working for Visbeen Associates, Inc. in 2000 One of the benefits and downfalls of my job is that you are constantly "building your dream home" in your mind. At that time I was engaged and dreaming up the house I would like to raise our future children in. I dreamed of a large home with a bedroom for each child, at least three bathrooms, plenty of room (out of sight) for their toys, an office for myself where I could work from home while they quietly played. Similar to these plans -

During the last eleven years, I have gotten married, had several children, and lost several loved ones. My values have changed dramatically. I want to be a presence in my children's lives not just present. I want to hear them playing, laughing, telling secrets, and sometimes fighting. I want to trip over the toys at three am when I am walking them back to bed. I want them to learn to be courteous, forgiving, loving, and God fearing. I want to know without a doubt that whatever life throws at them, their family and faith will always be there. They don't need their own bedroom or bathroom. They need a roof over their head and a pillow underneath it. More square footage doesn't make a better house. It is the quality of that square footage that makes a home. Now my dream home looks more like this -

I wonder what my dream home will look like in another 10 years.

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